A punchline tweeted by rapper-comedian Katt Williams last night has the Twitterverse LOLing all over itself.
"A New Drug Has Been Developed For Lesbians With Depression. It's Called Trycoxagain," he wrote on Tuesday to his 21,000 followers.
The post has been retweeted over and over, by hundreds of people. One tagged it a #goodjoke. Another volunteered that he was "givin the prescriptions."
But not everyone was laughing, with one twitterer asking Williams, "Have u ever tweeted something funny?" And The Advocate was contacted on Twitter by folks who took offense.
"A New Drug Has Been Developed For Lesbians With Depression. It's Called Trycoxagain," he wrote on Tuesday to his 21,000 followers.
The post has been retweeted over and over, by hundreds of people. One tagged it a #goodjoke. Another volunteered that he was "givin the prescriptions."
But not everyone was laughing, with one twitterer asking Williams, "Have u ever tweeted something funny?" And The Advocate was contacted on Twitter by folks who took offense.