Sunday, July 31, 2011

Transgender Housekeeper Fired After Background Check

A housekeeper filed a lawsuit Thursday claiming that a couple who once employed her abruptly fired her when they discovered that she is transgender,Reuters reports.

When Anastacia St. Claire-Hannah officially started working at the Park Avenue apartment on March 9 after a two-week trial period, Carline Dean indicated that she was "very impressed" with the housekeeper's work. However, after the couple found out her transgender status through a background check, Thompson Dean started calling the housekeeper "disgusting" and "a freak." The couple allegedly barred her from preparing their meals, and told her that she need a psychologist. Three days later, St. Claire-Hannah was fired because they said it would look bad for Thompson Dean's image and business. 

St. Claire-Hannah has several years of housekeeping and chef experience, according to her attorney, David Fish. The suit was filed in the New York state supreme court.

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