Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights (LAGER)

LAGER is a very widely known organisation within the LGB and mainstream communities and is the first point of contact for many LGB people experiencing discrimination at work and training for employers needing advice on their responsibilities.  LAGER produces a very popular range of reference materials aimed at employers and employees, all of which will need updating to reflect the new legislation.
The project aims to develop and update the LAGER website to become a more accessible resource for lesbian, gay and bisexual employees, people experiencing discrimination at work, employers, other professionals and advice agencies.  Through the website, employers and employees are able to obtain and download information at their convenience and anonymously if they prefer.  The website will be promoted through the mainstream and specialist press and through links from the websites of partner agencies.  The project will also look at updating, printing and distributing a range of information leaflets including:
Trouble at work: aimed at people experiencing discrimination at work because they are (or are perceived to be) lesbian, gay or bisexual.  To be disseminated to other advice agencies as well as directly to the public.
Briefing on the Law: Implementing the New Laws on Sexual Orientation: giving employers essential information to ensure they know how to comply with the new law.
Briefing on the Law: Monitoring Sexual Orientation: one of the two most common enquiries from the employers who contact LAGER is whether they will be required to monitor sexual orientation and how they should do this.  This information will be covered in this leaflet.
Briefing on the Law: Genuine Occupation Requirements: the other most common enquiry from employers on the new law is about Genuine Occupational Requirements, which will be covered in this publication.
HIV and Employment Rights: many gay people that experience discrimination at work tell LAGER that it happened because their employer assumed (rightly or wrongly) that they were HIV positive.  This is an existing publication being reissued to reflect the new law.
The leaflets will be distributed to a range of organisations, individuals and LGB groups on the mailing list of the Consortium of LGB Voluntary and Community Organisations and to the 1,000 groups on the mailing list of Advice UK.
LAGER General Enquiries: 020 7704 2205

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