Friday, July 22, 2011

Save the Date: The 2nd Annual Day in Gay America

Last year tons of you sent your photos, sharing your lives from every corner of America, which we then featured in our August 2010 issue. The response was terrific, and we’re putting together a big LGBT photo album again for 2011. 
So get your cameras charged and ready, because we want to see what happens in your lives from dawn to late at night all over America on 
Friday, August 12, 2011. We want to see every aspect of gay life, from the mundane to the insane, from the glamorous to the gritty, whether you’re on an adventure or experiencing a quiet moment of solace. 

You don’t need to be a professional photographer. Just mark your calendar, and on August 12 take a self-portrait or have a friend photograph you or your family or friends, doing anything that says something about who you are as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person in the United States. The best photographs taken on that single day in the United States will be featured in a photo essay titled “A Day in Gay America” on and in the November 2011 issue of The Advocate.

Please check back for more details and instructions on how to submit your photos to “A Day in Gay America.”
And please feel free to explore the inaugural Day in Gay America project here:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three

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